I Say Yes

Having a deep craving to live in a world where everyone is liberated from distorting energetic patterns, I dedicate myself moment by moment to dreaming that world into being.

I love to share my awarenesses by speaking to groups; facilitating experiential small group gatherings; offering counsel one-to-one online, by phone, or in person; and engaging actively in writing, photography, and other creative processes. My experiences in the realms of shamanism, energy healing, theatre, writing, authentic creative expression, cybercommunity building, and global transformational politics inform my life and work.

I say YES to ...

~ Authenticity: the power of essential self

~ Joy: the power of loving and celebrating what is

~ Vivacity: the power of life pulsating through every aspect of the universe

~ Creativity: the power to enliven the world with fresh awarenesses and expressions

~ Tukumunayniyok: the total power of unconditional love

I say YES to what arises from the depth of my being and the depth of yours.


Barbara Ann O'Leary