Authentic Transformation

I invite people, who feel moved to make a leap into deeper relationship with authentic self, to step into an Authentic Transformation process with me.

Authenticity is the path of transformation on the planet. What arises in the world arises from within. We change the world by becoming more fully ourselves and acting moment by moment in alignment with our deepest knowingness.

Opening up to living your authentic life is a rich gift to yourself, but it is also an act of courageous transformation on behalf of everyone and everything.

I act as a catalyst, inviting people into dynamic connection with their deepest, most authentic self for their own benefit and the benefit of All That Is.

If you choose to step into alliance with me through one to one work, here is a glimpse of how the work may unfold.

Together we:

~ Create sacred space for transformation in alignment with Tukumunayniyok, the total power of unconditional love.

~ Set a clear and unshakable intention to invite authenticity to flourish for the benefit of All That Is.

~ Recognize that we are not our stories, so we turn from the memory of what was and put our attention on what is unfolding at the energetic level at this time.

~ Acknowledge and appreciate things as they are, releasing the need to fix anything.

~ Drop down into connection with your essential nature, inviting new patterns to arise in rich harmony with the deep core of your being.

~ Witness shifts in energy and consciousness, which begin to take place as we remain present and open to new possibilities arising in alignment with your deepest knowingness.

~ Engage in specific energy and shamanic practices to further the unfolding work.  Possible approaches may include: chakra illumination, auric field support, strange flow enrichment and activation, soul retrieval, release of dense or fluid energies, five rhythms balancing, attending to your assemblage point, invigorating your grid,  communication with spirit allies, gifting of munay-ki rites, creation of despacho prayer bundles, fire ceremony or other ways of inviting authenticity to flourish in your life.

~ Offer support for integration of the new patterns that are arising.

~ Celebrate possibilities of a more relaxed, healthy, joyous, invigorated, creative, loving way of being in the world arising from the new energy patterns flowing through your field.

I look forward to stepping up to engage with you fiercely, joyously, vibrantly, creatively, and lovingly to say YES to your authentic becoming ... and to dream a new world into being, a world in harmony with All That Is.

Please allow between 60 - 90 minutes for the work to unfold by skype, IM or phone.

Ayni:  $120

