January 16, 2011

What is unfolding at this time...

I enjoy working with online divinatory processes.  Today I visited the Osho Zen Tarot online and asked:

What is unfolding in my life at this time?  What do I need to be aware of?

First card I drew was Consciousness:

"... there is a crystal clarity available right now, detached, rooted in the deep stillness that lies at the core of your being. There is no desire to understand from the perspective of the mind--the understanding you have now is existential, whole, in harmony with the pulse of life itself. Accept this great gift, and share it."

 Ah... this is the crux of things.  I'm living in the essence of my being... and allowing my mind to do what it will.  My mind is not the boss of me!  I'm tuning to the depths of my being... and inviting awareness to arise.  Action flows from deep awareness.

Second card I drew was Totality:

"Developing the knack of being total in responding to whatever comes, as it comes, is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Taking one step through life at a time, giving each step your complete attention and energy, can bring a wondrous new vitality and creativity to all that you do."

This is me... living in the response field... being fully in the Vortex... or whatever language suits me in the moment.  This is about absolutely being and fully being.  I am living life with gusto and with a wholeheartedness that is earth shattering in its capacity to move me forward along my trajectory of being.

Third card was Traveling:

"Life is a continuity always and always. There is no final destination it is going towards. Just the pilgrimage, just the journey in itself is life, not reaching to some point, no goal--just dancing and being in pilgrimage, moving joyously, without bothering about any destination."

This reminds me that I have no need for a fixed direction that I control or foresee.  It's simply the movement across the landscape of my life that has power and vitality.  I am awake and alive in this moment.  I move.  I travel.  I explore.  This also reminds me literally that this is a year I am free to travel to various places on the planet to engage in ways that arise through the network of friends and allies I've forged bonds with throughout the course of my life.  I relish the unknown blessings I'll encounter as I move through the coming months.

Fourth card was Laziness:

"When you are lazy, it is a negative taste: you simply feel that you have no energy, you simply feel dull; you simply feel sleepy, you simply feel dead. When you are in a state of non-doing then you are full of energy--it is a very positive taste. You have full energy, overflowing. You are radiant, bubbling, vibrating, You are not sleepy, you are perfectly aware. You are not dead--you are tremendously alive....There is a possibility the mind can deceive you: it can rationalize laziness as non-doing. It can say, "I have become a Zen master," or, "I believe in Tao"--but you are not deceiving anybody else. You will be deceiving only yourself. So be alert."

This is an excellent reminder to move from inertia to wu wei... be fully radiant and alive while being completely open to what arises.  The opposite of laziness/inertia is not initiating, it's not forcing anything into action.  The opposite of laziness/inertia is radiant, vibrant alertness and availability to be mobilized by the universe in ways that are thoroughly harmonious with my authentic nature.  I make a commitment to attend to the sensations I'm experiencing.  If/when I feel sleepy, dull, dead, etc, I'll realign with my deep self ... and activate the flow of radiant vitality.  Yes.

 Last card was Experiencing:

" 'Experiencing' is the feeling of wonder itself, the thrill of communion, the gentle touch of our connectedness with all that surrounds us."

"If you haven't heard nature whispering to you lately, now is a good time to give her the opportunity."

EXPERIENCE. That's what I'm here to do.  Experience.  I sit back and enjoy the ride.. the glorious experience of being present.  I enliven myself with the awareness that this is one sweet planet and an amazing universe that sparkles with an incredible richness of possibilities.  And I'm part of All That Is.  I say YES.


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