December 18, 2010

Appreciating my Human Design Mandala

My Human Design Mandala:  Quad Right 4/6 Manifesting Generator w/ Emotional Authority

I'm 6 months into my Human Design experiment. [NOTE:  Correction:  Just over 7 months!  Time flies] I'm drawn to exploring various models that map uniqueness in human experience.  Human Design is one of the more intriguing and compelling models I've encountered in my journey into deep understanding of authenticity.  It resonates with me.  I feel a hum in the depths of my being when I engage with Human Design... and that's actually an integral part of my experiment... following what Human Design founder Ra Uru Hu calls Strategy and Inner Authority.

I'm not feeling a need to explain these concepts here at the moment.  I'm just reflecting on the way that the Human Design charts are often displayed as mandalas ringed with the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching.  This seems so harmonious with the 30 Day Mandala Challenge I've embarked on at this time.

I am simply feeling the rightness of this mandala exploration in the depths of my being.  As a Manifesting Generator with an Emotional Inner Authority my Human Design strategy is to Wait to Respond.  I experience that as being alert to what is arising in my field of awareness and being alert to the responses I feel in the depths of my sacral center.  When I get a visceral confirmation, which for me shows up as a humming or a solidifying of the core of my sacral center, then I know I'm onto something that may indeed have merit for me.  Because I have an emotional inner authority, my next step is to wait further... to allow myself to move through the emotional turbulence to assess what is in fact deeply appropriate for me to attend to, to act on, to live fully.

When my friend Jyoti mentioned on Facebook in May that she thought I might find Human Design interesting and valuable, I had an immediate sense of YES YES YES deep in my belly.  That yes continued to deepen over time, so I knew that it was right for me.  I have been following this practice of checking in with my gut and riding the variations over time for many years.  My introduction to Human Design served to reinforce what I've already been engaging... but with even more vigor and commitment.

I'm appreciating the unfolding process of deepening into authenticity... in all the ways I engage that process.  Today I am deeply appreciating the Human Design clarity... the simplicity of the process and the rich complexities.  I'm grateful to everyone who has stepped up to share their knowledge, wisdom, insights, enthusiasm, and practices regarding Human Design.  I look forward to deepening my exploration going forward.  I'll share more as I move into new areas of exploration.

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