December 18, 2010

What's True for Me....

What's true for me... what's true for me at this time... that's what intrigues me... what holds my attention when I am not distracted by everything that's floating through my awareness... everything that serves to syphon off my attention when I neglect to connect with my deepest, most authentic self. 

I make it a practice moment by moment to enrich my connection with authenticity to the best of my ability.

I'm delighted when others attend to what is true for them at that time... and live in harmony with their authentic knowingness.

I acknowledge, celebrate and assist authenticity to flourish in others... their own deep awareness of what's true for them... in that moment... in that unfolding of their authentic experience.  I choose to be present with the intention of holding space for authenticity to flourish whenever and wherever it can find purchase and grow.  I invite authenticity to arise and sing to us, to sing through us.

I'm not interested in telling anyone what they should do.  I'm happy to share insights that arise as I put my attention on what's unfolding in their authentic experience.... if invited.  That's something I love to do... to look deeply and share what's arising... that comes from the vast, rich pool of information and energy and consciousness available when we tune in to the essential, the underlying nature of reality.   I notice that looking deeply, acknowledging what is and inviting what arises next to be in stronger connection with authentic nature brings potent transformation in ways that are often surprisingly radical and yet at the same time sweet and effortless.

I flourish when I share what's unfolding in my awareness.  I notice that my sharing often offers others something that sparks their desire and ability to mobilize their authentic selves... catalyzing a deeper connection with who they truly are.  When others share their own awarenesses - their own experiences of what they are attending to in their lives from a place of clarity, I benefit as well. 

It's my contention that the entire world benefits when each being lives as their true selves... bringing themselves and their gifts fully into the world.  That's how I experience the world.  I'm delighted to let people know that I see things that way. 

I'm celebrating the possibilities that are available when I live my life as myself.... and when others choose to live as their authentic selves.  I'm dreaming a world into being where the potential for authenticity to flourish is greatly enhanced.

I'm happy to explore and encourage these potentials with individuals and groups in ways that are deeply harmonious for us all.  I am open to invitation.



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