December 20, 2010

One third the way through the mandala process

Whirlpool Mandala:  Day 11
I'm just over 1/3rd of the way through the 30 day mandala making process I've embarked on.  I can feel the shift in the process as I move into this next phase of continuing to deepen and expand into the flow of what longs to arise. I'm a person who moves in waves. I'm not a steady plodding forward kind of creator.  I flurry and flow. 

Engaging the same process for 30 days in a row is a challenge in itself.  I'm contemplating whether I want to liberate myself in the future from any such intensity of continuity.... or whether I want to dive deeper into this mode of attention focusing on other projects.  We'll see what unfolds in the new year. 

Something I'm very much enjoying here is that my preconceived notions of what constitutes a mandala were immediately blown out of the water.  The images that have been arising don't necessarily feel like what I thought I'd be making and that's very exciting for me.  When I bring work up from a deep place in my being, it startles and delights and sometimes disconcerts me.  I love it.

OK... I'm not actually creating a mandala every day.  I'm creating 30 mandalas in 30 days and I'm sharing one every day.  That's the pattern I'm adhering to at this time.  Off to create a few more.  I have only one in reserve at the moment... which I'll post after midnight... to celebrate the Winter Solstice/Lunar Eclipse.

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