December 21, 2010

Celebrating the return of the light

Winter Solstice! Welcoming back the light.  This solstice is powered even more intensely by the alignment of a full Lunar Eclipse in the early hours of the morning.  First time since 1703 that a Winter Solstice and a Lunar Eclipse combined.  The cloud cover in our area kept the lunar eclipse from view, but we witnessed the clouds turn orange with an eerie glow. Laying in bed tuning to the energies as the sun, earth, moon lined up with the heart of the galaxy, I saw and felt the energies bouncing around the room. The energies were palpable.

I created this mandala a few days ago and love the way it is built completely of images I took when I was visiting Jyoti and Tod in Sedona in November.  That's a place of power and highly alive energies.  And the world is alive and crackling with the potential for change at this time. 

Today I am allowing myself to lighten up as the days lengthen and the world moves into a more expansive way of being.  I invite myself to say YES to All That Is.

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