December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice Ceremonies

Winter Solstice Fire Ceremony:  02010.12.21

Today is the beginning of a new year.... a year of tuning deeply to the patterns of nature... attending to the shifts in season, in lunar cycles, in flows from day to night to day....

This afternoon I stomped out into the snow in the woods behind our house to honor the Winter Solstice and the Full Moon with Full Eclipse by holding fire ceremony.  The temperature warmed today. Snow and ice have begun to melt.  Sheets of snow slid along the metal roof, balanced precariously over the edge... dripping... dripping... before slumping to the ground in one heavy thud after another as the afternoon progressed.

I called the directions:  Winds of the South, West, North, East.. and the powers of Below and Above..... inviting them to hold the space sacred as I deepened my intention to live life in harmony, in alignment with Tukumunayniyok... the total power of unconditional love. 

The woods gift me branches and twigs throughout the year to fuel my fires.  Today those branches were cold and damp from their time hiding beneath piles of snow.  I utilized some dried sage gifted to me by a client to inspire flames to leap up from the ice cold fire pit.  The fire sputtered and was subdued most of the time, but it felt refreshing to be out in the snow covered woods beside Autumn Lake.  I meditated on the iced over lake, adorned with swaths of wind blown snow.

I invited vigor and ease into my life.  As I gifted a branch (my life/death arrow) to the flames I recommitted myself to the practice of opening to the rich abundance the universe showers upon me and to continually offering to bring my gifts fully into the world for the benefit of all.

After the fire I moved into the house, opened my mesa, and brought a huaca through... to infuse the world with a fresh burst of creative energy in service to the evolving consciousness of the universe.  I will feed the huaca with my breath each day during this moon cycle to help fuel authentic transformation on the planet at this time in the sweetest ways possible.

This is a potent time of change, of deepening, of expansion, of ease.  This is a time when we can drop the pretense of control and in so doing open to a more luminous potential thrumming within us at all times... the opportunity to allow life to unfold, to carry us forward, to elicit our deepest, most authentic nature to step out and thrive.

I say YES to the unfolding luminosity.  I say YES to authentic becoming.  I feel deep appreciation for what is unfolding at this time.  Moment by moment I hold space for authentic transformation on the planet.

Huaca Ceremony
Please feel free to visit my Winter Solstice 02010.12.21 Facebook album for more images from the Fire and Huaca Building Ceremonies.

Offering blessings for joy, beauty, love, vitality, and creativity to flourish.



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