December 22, 2010

Enter the Heart

I work with people who are ready to live exquisite lives... for their own well being and the well being of All That Is.  I support them as they make the leap into who they are becoming... their luminous, authentic selves.

"But I'm already myself!" I've heard people object.  Well, yes.  It feels that way.  It feels that we're living our authentic lives, because we've gotten used to things the way they are.  And, yes, there's an inherent perfection in each moment that reminds us nothing needs to be changed or fixed.  We are who and what we are in each moment and that's just as it needs to be in this moment.  But there's so much more to who we inherently are than most people have begun to live.

We can make a leap into the depths of our being and manifest a much more authentic experience.  The next moment in life is always an opportunity for surprise and for authentic transformation.  Will we continue to manifest as we are in this moment or will we realign with our deeper nature - our authentic self - and live a far more robust, joyous, creative, loving life?

We carry around energies and patterns that are not authentic, not germane to who we truly are.  The richest, most creative, loving, joyous, vibrant aspects of ourselves get crushed beneath all the excess baggage, contorted by misdirections of our life force.

These excess energies are free to move out of our fields when we recognize that they are intruding on our essential nature, and when we claim the right to be our deepest, truest selves.  This authentic transformation is often so much more available when we realize that being ourselves is the most amazing gift we could ever offer the world, our colleagues, our friends, our family, ourselves.

These distorted patterns come into more harmonious alignment when we honor the choices that have been made, acknowledge that we are not our stories, and embrace the knowledge that we are free to choose to live in more authentic ways... that we have the power to release the conditioning energies that have gotten us off track.

We also go without parts of ourselves more often than we know.  We allow our most delicious aspects of ourselves to go walkabout... leaving us cut off from a sense of wholeness and unity.   Sometimes these parts of ourselves have stayed put, but are hunkered down in confusion under the weight of the rules, guidelines, and dictates from friends, family, or community that we've taken as gospel and allowed to drive our authentic knowingness deep underground.

Although there are many techniques and processes that can support Authentic Transformation, at the core what brings the authentic self forward into a state of thriving wholeness is what is known in the Andes as Tukumunayniyok:  the TOTAL POWER of Unconditional Love.  Love trumps all other powers.  Love is the vibrant heartbeat of the universe.

I feel enlivened when I have the privilege to look deeply into the heart of a person's authentic, luminous nature with the intention of inviting authenticity to flourish for their benefit and the benefit of all.  I know in the deepest part of my being that when we live as ourselves everyone and everything thrives more fully.  It's a rare gift... one most people don't even contemplate offering to a world so clearly desirous of living in a more beautiful way.

You are invited to live your authentic life.  I invite you.

Enter the heart.



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