January 11, 2011

Rising over the limitations of snow

Today it is snowing again.  We are honoring the seasonal weather patterns by staying home.  The winter weather isn't my favorite.  Never has been.  I recognize the beauty, but that's where my appreciation ends.  I find the constriction brought on by cold and the resulting travel curtailment doesn't suit my expansive desire to be free to move about the planet easily and effectively at any time. 

I have friends who are prone to saying... Why don't you just... adjust your mental framework, your way of seeing so that winter snow and ice are just the way you like it... or some such.   OK... that's possible.  But I'm more interested in tuning in to what my body is trying to tell me... and experience what I need to attend to from that deeper part of my being... the essential self that sings to me through the bones...

What is it telling me?  I think it is telling me not to live in Indiana in the wintertime.  Or at least not to spend the bulk of the winter here.  It doesn't feel right to me.  I always want to be somewhere else in the winter and no where else in the fall.  The fall has always been my favorite season and Brown County Indiana seems to have evolved as a shrine to the exquisite beauty and transformative power of autumn.  So.. be here in autumn, be elsewhere most of the winter, then return in the spring.  Part of the summer I could do without as well... so perhaps I'll plan to be somewhere else in parts of July and August.  Let's see what unfolds.

Coming back to the present moment.... I remind myself that my essential nature is unbounded by constraints.  My spirit ventures to any place or time with ease.  My body on the other hand chafes at the limitations.  During warm, clear weather I might CHOOSE to stay home for days on end, but once the snow piles up outside on our hilly gravel road and the situation dictates homeboundness... that's when I find myself whining... WHY?  WHY?  WHY?

So... I just notice that and say OK.  That's what's up at the moment.  Think I'll soak in a hot bath and relax.  Maybe I'll read.  Maybe I'll just sit with my mesa and dream into the numerological mysteries of 11s piled onto more 11s... as some of my Facebook friends have urged me to do today. 

Today I invite myself to let the day unfold without regard to weather of any kind.  Today I'm enjoying being home with my sweetheart.  That's all. 

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