December 25, 2010

Shifting Focus

It's really not my way to attend to things in a linear fashion... focusing on the same thing continually. I float.  I find myself attracted here and there.  I find things, situations, people attracted to me and then they flow away.  This is the nature of how I am... and one of these days I'm going to acknowledge that in the depths of my being and let it be a guiding principle.  For now that realization alternates with a desire to settle into something and ride it according to someone else's schedule. 

At the moment I'm making a leap.  I'm saying 15 days is plenty for the Mandala Making process.  That's how much energy there was.  Those 15 days were fueled by a desire to mandala make and the work arose from a deep place beyond the constraints of mind.  So that was deeply harmonious.  Then the energy stopped.  At first I found my mind saying... but, but, but... and I tried to forge ahead.  I started to work on a 16th image.  Nothing was gelling.  And I realized.. no.  That's all for now.  15 day Mandala Challenge.  Complete.  Check.  On to what's next.

What's shown up now is the exploration of the power of shifting my handwriting to transform my life.  I got hold of Vimala Rodgers' Transform Your Life Through Handwriting kit published by Sounds True.  Vimala says work in 40 day cycles.  OK... I think.  I can do that.  And then I realize... well, maybe.  The important thing is that I think this would be fun to explore... and the 40 day thing is about inviting a new pattern to have time to settle in.  So I'm going to be OPEN to a 40 day potential... without being attached to a 40 day anything... and see what emerges.

Vimala suggests working with a particular letter for 40 days while also attending each day to the Letter of the Day.  These letters are thematically driven... in the sense that you choose letters that represent some aspect you are open to transforming in your life.  I like to work in a divinatory manner, so I selected my '40 day' letter by setting a clear intention to tune to a quality that would be beneficial for me to deepen into and/or tranform at this time.  I blew my intention into the card deck that holds the 26 letters with their soul qualities and intentions.  I connected the deck with my 3 power centers:  yachay (3rd eye), munay (heart center), and llankay (sacral).  Then... eyes closed.... I chose the card for the '40 day' letter...

P:  truly loving and appreciating yourself.  Intent:  I interact with everyone as though they love me.

I think that's fabulous.  I look forward to rockin' that intention for 40 days (or however long I feel called to continue with it).

Before I start with the letter P however... I'll invite a Letter of the Day.  Her process involves focusing on the Letter of the Day first and then following it with the 40 day letter. 

OK.  Today's letter is T.  Status in the world; the letter of the visionary.  Intent:  I grow in spiritual stature as my choices align with my vision. 

These are interesting.  Off to explore these with handwriting... so I'll do that in my notebook....

Perhaps this is more detail than you really needed.  Just sharing what's unfolding in my life.  Today is a Writing Intensive Day and I've chosen to incorporate attention to my physical handwriting as an integral part of my writing process ... and as a way to honor the arising nature of writing.

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