January 2, 2011

New Year's Attentions

The focus for so many at the start of a new calendar year is on New Year's Intentions or Resolutions.  I'm interested instead in New Year's Attentions. 

As I move into a new cycle of experience, I will be noticing what I am attending to, because "Energy flows where attention goes" as the Huna principle Makia states so eloquently.

So... no rules to follow or to ignore or to fail to live up to.  Just paying attention... and noticing who is doing that attention paying... being clear that I value the attention of the deeply authentic aspects of my being over the scattered and opinionated graspings of the mind.  

So... at this time I'm inviting my deepest self to assert its capacities and claim its privilege of being the trendsetter in my life... choosing to attend to what resonates at the core of my being.  I choose to move forward in harmony with my deepest self's sense of what matters.  I know that the universe lines up with me when that happens and massive quantities of creative energy are unleashed and activated to flow through me mobilizing amazing new possibilities.  That's how I'm created.  That's how I'm designed... to have innate capacities fully engaged by life force energies that thrill to be in alliance with my uniqueness.

That potential is only activated when I'm paying attention to what matters to me at the deepest level of my being... and steering clear of conditioning influences, which stultify and distort what it really means for me to be alive in this world at this time... part of an unfolding evolutionary, expansive universe.

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