January 3, 2011

I must not hoard...

 My sweetie is very witty.  He comes up with wonderful insights and humorous quips all the time.  I feel quite delighted that we're sharing our lives together.   On New Year's Eve he devised this wry adaptation of the Bene Gesserit mantra from Dune and posted it to his Facebook profile page:
I must not hoard.

Stuff is the mind-killer.
Stuff is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my stuff.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the stuff has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain.

This sparked in me a desire to look deeply at the nature of hoarding in my life... and to make a deep commitment to releasing 'stuff' from all aspects of my life:

There are so many ways I hoard.  I'm attending to any and all as they arise in my awareness.

One way is that I hold on to things I've created - or partially created.  Examples:  Sewing/knitting/beading projects.  Writing projects.  Photography.

Since I put my attention on this hoarding issue, I've had the inspiration to reassemble space in my home office.  I recruited my sweetie's help in getting the doors off the closet (read:  he took them off for me!).  This opened up space in my room.  It also takes the room down to one door, which helps me out as I focus on ways to spend more time in a Blended Cave Environment as my Human Design variables invite, but more on that in another post.

I cleared things out of my closet, put a wire shelf unit in there and started moving my sewing and knitting and beading supplies and tools into the space.  Then I started to envision the possibility of moving a small table into that area to serve as a sewing/crafting workspace.  I am in the process of liberating a table from another part of our home, so I can relocate it into my office.  Also... same for another wire shelf unit.  Moving swiftly to activate these energies so I can release the hoarded projects and materials... transforming them into new creations.

I am aware that my opportunities arise through the network of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances I've connected with over the years.  I'm deeply appreciative of all these connections.  At this time I'm practicing the art of sharing only with those who ask me to share... by gifting to any of my Facebook friends who say yes to receiving gifts from me in thanksgiving for my appreciation of our FB connection.  I'm really feeling delighted by this process and am deeply moved by the way some of my FB friends have stepped up to let me know they are open to receiving the gifts I have to share.  This is a potent way for me to stop the hoarding.  I'm taking things that are in my possession and gifting them.... but I'm also gifting from other levels of my being.  I look forward to seeing what arises as I prepare for this powerful gifting process to unfold.

Another way I hoard is that I withhold my dreaming, shamanic, and energy skills... skills that have strong ability to catalyze transformation in the world.  In the past I've misdirected myself by offering these skills and abilities indiscriminately, resulting in deep frustration when they weren't received or when the work wasn't able to go to a deep level, because I was offering my gifts to people for whom they weren't a good match, or to those who hadn't made a personal commitment to engage them fully.  The frustration led me to stop allowing those gifts to flow.   They'd gotten bottled up and congested in many ways.

The approach I'm taking to stop the hoarding of these abilities is... perhaps counter intuitively... to stop offering them.  I choose to cease offering, but I choose to be completely open to sharing my gifts when they are called for in ways that are in alignment with my deepest nature. Going forward I only respond to requests from those individuals and groups, who feel a deep call to open to their deepest, most authentic selves and who feel inspired to invite me to step up to support them. This feels very liberating.  It stops me wasting energy and building frustration by offering myself and my abilities where they aren't wanted or needed.  It keeps me from hoarding as I won't feel like retiring inward in frustration.  And it opens up a vast flood of energy that can bring me into connection with those who will call forth from me information, skills, and abilities that are deeply satisfying for me to share and which infuse in them a greater sense of wholeness and integrity and passion for bringing their own gifts into the world joyously, lovingly, creatively.

People will find me... through my communities and networks.  They will know when to step up to ask me to share my skills and abilities, my time and attention... and they'll do so in ways that are in alignment for us both.  This feels great.

I haven't addressed the cessation of the hoarding of writing and photography and other forms of hoarding.... those are multi-faceted explorations which I'll undertake in the coming days.

For now... this is enough.  I feel some serious shifts in the energy patterns in my life.  I invite blessings to flow... and I make myself available as a valuable resource in ways that make me feel alive and full of gusto and joy.

love and blessings....


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